Do you think Jesus was still smelling the perfume Mary poured over him days before as he was in jail and hung on the cross? Did it remind him of friends,being loved, of those who believed?
Pilate would not deal with Jesus. His wife said to him: “Don’t have anything to do with that innocent man, for I have suffered a great deal today in a dream because of him.” (Matt. 27:19) God surely wanted the Jews to see that it was their own murdersome hearts that crucified Jesus, not this Roman official’s decree.
Jesus was given a cross, a robe, AND a staff, which he was beaten with by the guard. (Matt. 27:29-30). He was handed a staff, then beaten with it. He was beaten in many ways, but somehow, I missed this, and it touched me that I didn’t know.
The stone may not have been rolled away for Jesus to get out of the tomb, but for people to come into the tomb to see that He had risen! Later in his appearance, it is documented that Jesus walked through a wall where the disciples were meeting to prove He had risen to a doubting Thomas, one of his disciples who’d missed his first appearance. So then, Jesus could have walked right through the stone as well!
Just a few new thoughts I’ve picked up on this Easter. What about you? Anything you’ve learned or are meditating on?
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